he appeals innocent in front of everybody... as he is always the youngest amongst us all... n also due to his hearing disabilities... anyway he always complains that we bully him, instead he's the one who's bullying us!!! well, he's jus not as innocent as how he looks like... just look at what pose he did when I took a picture of him with the mannequin which he simply claims it to be interesting as it is sitting at the end of a long desk...
Stuart White transformed the functional use of the IKEA pencil into a creative tool by using it to make mass-produced prints, mimicking an assembly line. Our little Ella would love to draw like this. Why use one pencil if you can use a whole bunch?
via swissmiss
this reminds me of why am i always taking the pencils whenever i visit IKEA!!! these little pencils are really useful... they fits everywhere!!! haha...
Bio London's eclectic one-man band Tom Vek combines electronic music with indie rock, punk with dance, and influences like new wave and garage (and also made most of his early recordings in his parents' garage, too). However, as a teen in the mid-'90s, Vek was inspired by grunge and began making rock along the lines of Smashing Pumpkins and Pearl Jam; before that, he backed his guitarist father on bass and drums in their practice space/garage. When his family acquired a reel-to-reel tape recorder when he was 14, Vek began recording his music, which evolved from grungy rock to Warp- and Ninja Tune-influenced electronica as the '90s came to a close. Vek had been sending his music to a friend of the family (who happened to be Alex Cooper, the longtime drummer for Katrina & the Waves) who in turn sent Vek's latest, electronica-inspired music to his cousin (who happened to be Tim Lee, the head of quirky electronic label Tummy Touch).
Hamburg avant-garde: HGich.T - condemned ear worm and condemns far in front! Discovered during the annual exhibition that Hamburg university for screen end of arts. One may not miss: Mad Live performance!
via rebelart
this is so freakin funny!!! funny german... funny german lyrics... funny german rap... wahahhahaha
»GreenScreen (extrActor)«, 2005, is a greenscreen made of hydroponically grown grass which allows the viewers to insert themselves into virtual video backgrounds, which they can choose via remote control. By Benjamin Lee Martin.
Bio Violinist/singer/songwriter Patrick Wolf began experimenting with sound at the age of 11. While his peers were exploring the frivolity of youth, the precocious preteen was dabbling in four-track recording, eventually building an arsenal of instruments that included junk-shop organs and a home-built theremin. At the age of 14 he joined the pop-art collective Minty, a venture that caught the eyes and ears of Fat Cat Records, which went on to supply the youth with a computer and mixing tools for aid in his newfound audio experimentation. He left home at the age of 16 and formed Maison Crimineaux, which eventually found its way to France, where the noisy duo played a show attended by electronic maestro Kristian Robinson (aka Capitol K), who went on to release Wolf's lauded 2003 debut. With Lycanthropy reaching number 39 in NME's top LPs of the year, as well as receiving critical acclaim throughout Europe and America, Wolf decided to study composition at the Trinity College Music Conservatoire. The results of that endeavor can be heard on his 2005 release Wind in the Wires, a dark collection of moody British folk and chamber pop with a chilly laptop sheen. Wolf returned in 2007 with the colorful and eclectic Magic Position.
this is really interesting as its kindda like making our lives comical... swoosh n all... so fun...~
D. Billy : “After embellishing the found scenes and photographing the results, I leave my additions in place to engage passers-by for as long as the materials hold up. For me, this process encourages a reexamination of surroundings and objects that are usually taken for granted, and injects a hint of the fantastical surreality that I have established in my other work. Or, at the very least, I hope someone thinks these things are kind of funny.”
check out their official website its realleee realleee cool...
Bio While Nick Cave's music has evolved from the harrowing post-punk wail of the Birthday Party to the eloquent and often poetic approach he explored on the albums The Boatman's Call and No More Shall We Part with his group the Bad Seeds, the trouble-making noise merchant of his youth has never entirely gone away, and in 2006 Cave founded Grinderman to give this side of his musical personality a new outlet. Grinderman came to be when Cave was writing material in 2004 for his acclaimed album Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus. Tired of writing in his office at home and then presenting the material to the Bad Seeds, Cave decided to try a new approach by teaming up with bandmembers Martyn Casey on bass, Warren Ellis on violin and guitar, and Jim Sclavunos on drums and working up songs as a group.
Bio Midnight Movies formed in Los Angeles in 2002. Comprised of Gena Olivier (vocals, drums), Larry Schemel (guitar), and Jason Hammons (keyboards, guitar), the indie rock trio quickly crafted a moody and stylish sound. They became a major face on the L.A. music scene within a year, and earned a nomination for Best New Artist at the L.A. Weekly Music Awards in May 2003. Just as their self-released six-song EP arrived, Midnight Movies received another nomination for Best Pop/Rock band in spring 2004. Midnight Movies' self-titled studio-length debut was released on Emperor Norton the following August. The group resurfaced in 2007 with Lion the Girl, which featured new bassist Ryan Wood and drummer Sandra Vu, with Olivier handling keyboard and vocal duties and production by Steve Fisk.
Sound Chaser 2008 by yuri suzuki - Technical collaboration with Yaroslav Tencer A train-style record player. Users connect the chipped pieces of records together to make new tracks. The records pieces are from cheap records bought at jumble sales or used record shops. This record player revives forgotten, old records.
the video - http://www.yurisuzuki.com/soundchaser.mov
instead of throwing away those seemingly useless styrofoam packing shapes, michael salter makes giant robots. ‘styrobots’, as salter calls them, have toured art galleries around the world. the bots range in size from 16 inches to 22 feet. this massive 22 foot robot is currently on show at the san jose museum of art.
since 1997, the building sitting at the corner of 6th st. and howard st. in san fransiscio, california has been a sculptural mural. the piece consists of tables, chairs, lamps and even a grandfather clock, all hanging precariously out of the building’s windows. known as ‘defenestration’ (a word meaning to throw out of a window) the sculpture’s various pieces are all fastened to the abandoned building to create the illusion of falling. The pieces was conceived of by local artist brian goggin.
We all know how helpful and lovely IKEA's furniture have been... cheap designer's furniture that we have to assemble ourselves and they're found almost everywhere~~~ anyway... what would it feel like having the last piece of furniture you'll ever get to use with your body yet another piece of DIY furniture? Anyway this is a DIY coffin made by an american artise Joe Scanlan out of the famous Billy shelves from IKEA... wat's more... it comes with an appropriate installation instruction! how cool is tat?~ jus that are you goin to assemble it yourself and wait for ur death? or will u leave it there till your death catches up and somebody assembling it for you?!~ anyway this is KLÄPS - the IKEA guidance coffin