The man who set Lowlands on fire last month, Pharrell Williams has designed this chair to represent the love between a man and a woman. Pharrell says:
“I had often wondered what it’s like to truly be in love, not lust for once. So I decided not to ask what it was like in someone else’s shoes or what it was like to sit in their seat. I decided to sketch out my own experiment; the perspective chair.”
Coraline is a 2009 animated stop-motion fantasy film based on Neil Gaiman's novella of the same name. It will be animated and co-directed by Henry Selick and Mike Cachuela and is scheduled to be released in theaters on February 6, 2009.
Coraline Plot
The story of a young girl who unlocks a mysterious door in her new home, and enters into an adventure in a parallel reality. On the surface, this other world eerily mimics her own life--though much more fantastical. In it, Coraline encounters such off-kilter inhabitants as the morbidly funny Miss Forcible and Miss Spink, and a counterfeit mother--who attempts to keep her. Ultimately, Coraline must count on her resourcefulness, determination, and bravery to get back home.
Coraline Production
Coraline as depicted in the film.Laika Entertainment House (formerly Vinton Studios) has funded the film with around $50 to $70 million. Coraline is the first stop-motion animation to be shot stereoscopically with a dual digital camera rig for digital 3-D exhibition. New tools are being developed which will give the stop-motion creators the same flexibility as CGI animators, making it possible to push objects forward and back in post-production. Dakota Fanning will star as the voice of Coraline. Teri Hatcher will lend her voice to the roles of both Coraline's Mother and her Other Mother. Ian McShane will voice Mr. Bobinski, a beet-eating Russian giant who lives upstairs from Coraline in her alternate reality.
The soundtrack will be provided by the rock group They Might Be Giants.
On December 22, 2007, Neil Gaiman put up a sneak preview of some early but not quite final footage of the movie.
On May 22, 2008, in an interview with, producer Bill Mechanic said, "It's a long process, but it's almost finished."
On August 11, 2008, A Behind-the-Scenes Featurette was released containing unfinished clips of the film, interviews, and behind the scenes look at the production. A new featurette will be released on Rotten Tomatoes every day of that week.
Coraline Voice cast and Character info
Dakota Fanning as Coraline-self proclaimed explorer, she is young, clever, and as curious as they come. She is often aggravated by rain, crazy grownups (as they all seem to be), and not being taken seriously because of her young age and quiet demeanor. Perhaps her single biggest pet peeve is that everyone mistakes her name for Caroline (everyone in the real world at least, except the mice and her parents). Teri Hatcher as Coraline's Mother / Coraline's Other Mother- Coraline's Mom works at her house on the computer. She is very busy most of the time, but she loves and cares about Coraline. The Other Mother is creator of the other world, during the film her appearance changes to reflect spider like qualities. John Hodgman as Coraline's Father / Coraline's Other Father- Coraline's dad works at his house on the computer which he spends most of his time on (his job). He cares about Coraline very much. The Other Father is a swigging singing man created by the other mother, and fears the Other mother greatly. Keith David as The Cat- A black cat from Coraline's world (as opposed to that of the Other Mother). The cat acts as a mentor to Coraline and guides her through her journey. Ian McShane as Mr. Bobinski- The film version of Mr. Bobo from the book. He is a russian who once trained in the circus. His other world counter part is the ring master of a circus of Rats. Jennifer Saunders as Miss Forcible and Dawn French as Miss Spink- A pair of retired actresses. They own several stuffed Scottie dogs, and talk in theater jargon, often referencing their time as actresses. They recognize the danger Coraline's in after reading her fortune through tea leaves. In the other world the stuffed Scottie dogs are alive and behave like humans. Wybie played by Unknown Actor is a character original to the movie. In the real world he is described as an annoying neighbor kid. His other world counterpart is the most helpful person to Coraline. In the Film he possesses a mask that he wears when outside, later on when Coraline goes into the other world, there appears to be a another person who wears the mask and rides around on a motorcycle. Henry Selick created Wybie mainly so Coraline would not be walking around and talking to herself.
Coraline Release
Focus Features will distribute the film. Coraline appeared at Comic-Con 2007.
A teaser is shown with the movies Beowulf, U2 3D, and Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert.
Coraline Video game
On June 16, 2008, D3Publisher of America announced it will release a video game based on the film. The Coraline game is being developed by Papaya Studio for consoles and by Art Co. for Nintendo DS. It will be released in the first quarter of 2009, in close proximity to the film's theatrical release.
oh my... a stop motion movie based on neil gaiman's story... can't wait for it to come out!
fashion designer karl lagerfeld has created a limited edition teddy bear version of himself, for german stuffed animal manufacturer steiff. the lagerfeld teddy bear wears the designer's trademark style, sporting black sunglasses, a white shirt and black tie, with jeans and a jacket from the designer's paris collection to complete its look. steiff will only produce 2500 karl lagerfeld teddy bears that will retail for approximately 1400 USD.