Friday, February 22, 2008

Thomas Bernard

'mutinerie' by thomas bernard

'mutinerie' by thomas bernard

'dancekarpet' by thomas bernard

'typographies anamorphotiques' by thomas bernard

'typographies anamorphotiques' by thomas bernard

'typographies anamorphotiques' by thomas bernard

'polygraph system' by thomas bernard

'polygraph system' by thomas bernard

thomas bernard is a paris based graphic designer is also a member of the graphic collective think experimental. his work experiments with type and graphics in a variety of interactive ways. 'dancekarpet' is a project which u ses a 'twister' like floor interface which corresponds to a 1:1 scale screen made from light boxes. when the user dances or moves on the floor the screen in front lights up the appropriate pixel. other projects include 'mutinerie' a notebook with deceiving lines on the inside. his 'polygraph system' uses a 3d box to create different letters forms depending on the viewer's angle. similarly he has also designed a number of small letter forms that combine multiple 2d letters into a three dimensional form called 'typographies anamorphotiques'.

via designboom

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