here's jus another product where the cute lil hello kitty will be on it! seems like hello kitty is tryin to start a propaganda? haha... its like u can c hello kitty in everythin... washing machines, rice cooker, toaster, hair dryer, stationeries, candy, milk... basicalleee almost everythin... n now... rifle?! it's so... hmm... insane!!! --Well, in the "spirit" of the California Assault Weapon Ban I decided to do my best to alleviate the fears of my fellow citizens and gun-banning legislators when I put together a new AR-15 for my wife. Below is the result of my painstaking work to transform an Evil Black Rifle (EBR) into a Cute Pink RIfle (CPR). Introducing the Hello Kitty AR-15! This rifle is 100% legal in California because it is based on an "off-list" lower receiver made by Stag Arms and has no evil features at all, instead featuring a fixed stock instead of the evil collapsible stock, a muzzle brake in place of the vile flash-hider, and a MonsterMan Grip instead of the heinous and malicious plastic pistol grip.-- excerpt fr rifle gear
We're inviting designers to explore the concept of "Greener Gadgets." Designs should seek to minimize the environmental impact of consumer electronic devices at any stage in the product lifecycle. Areas of sustainability to consider include:
1. Energy 2. Materials / Lifecycle / Recycling 3. Social & educational development
Participants are encouraged to consider their designs as part of the entire product ecosystem, and should think as holistically as possible. Designers may choose to focus their entries on a particular area of human enterprise (learning, playing, communicating, etc.), or a particular context (work, home, school, etc.), a particular material, or a specific device. Entries may also seek to create new paradigms for products and services.
Ultimately, we are looking for "great gadgets" of the greener kind.
for more details, visit - via core77
Since 1980, the 4 or 5 Floptops known as Negativland have been creating records, fine art, video, books, radio and live performance using appropriated sound, image and text. Mixing original materials and music with things taken from corporately owned mass culture, Negativland re-arranges these bits and pieces to make them say and suggest things that they never intended to. In doing this kind of cultural opposition and "culture jamming" (a term coined by Negativland in 1984), Negativland have been sued twice for copyright infringement.
Okay, but what, you still ask, is Negativland exactly? That's hard to answer. Negativland definitely isn't a "band," though they may look like one when you see their CDs for sale in your local shopping mall. They're more like some sort of goofy yet serious European-style artist/activist collective - an unhealthy mix of John Cage, Lenny Bruce, Pink Floyd, Bruce Connor, Firesign Theatre, Abbie Hoffman, Robert Rauschenberg, 1970's German electronic music, old school punk rock attitude, surrealist performance art, your high school science teacher…and lot's more.
Declared heroic by their peers for refashioning culture into what the group considers to be more honest statements, Negativland suggests that refusing to be original, in the traditional sense, is the only way to make art that has any depth within commodity capitalism... - NEW YORK TIMES
It's an often ignored request, but you may pay more attention to the phrase "Please remember to take all your belongings" after seeing Negativland's eerily mesmerizing new project… - NEWSWEEK
Negativland, longtime advocates of fair use allowances for pop media collage, are perhaps America's most skilled plunderers from the detritus of 20th century commercial culture. Negativland are media addicts who see society suffering under a constant barrage of TV, canned imagery, advertising and corporate culture...the band's latest project is razor sharp, microscopically focused, terribly fun and a bit psychotic. - WIRED MAGAZINE
For more than 20 years, Negativland has earned renown for manipulation of both tape and media. - LOS ANGELES TIMES
Collage pioneers...genre-defying, densely layered, strangely accessible... - WASHINGTON POST
Negativland argues persuasively that creators should be able to appropriate bits and pieces of anything and incorporate then into their work without fear of legal action. - UTNE READER
Negativland isn't just some group of merry pranksters; its art is about tearing apart and reassembling found images to create new ones, in an attempt to make social, political and artistic statements. Hilarious and chilling. - THE ONION
Scathing and entertaining...they believe that the sheer volume of advertising is degrading to the mental and physical environment - BUSINESS WEEK
Twisted genius...compelling...parody and satire as a grass roots weapon of consumer resistance. - ROLLING STONE
Brutally hilarious...a compelling argument for the anti-copyright movement. - VILLAGE VOICE
Better known for media pranks than records. - TIME MAGAZINE
Cut n' paste collage par excellence...always subversive... - MUZIK
Fearless artistes or foolhardy risk-takers.... by constantly haranguing the audience with authentic advertising spiel and highlighting its transparency, they kill the messenger, kill the message and produce highly entertaining art simultaneously. - L.A. WEEKLY
Negativland are at it again...13 tracks fuse jingles, dialogue and music in a parody of soft drink marketing. - ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY
Negativland: a sense of humor, brilliant collage work (especially on a purely aesthetic level), and great cultural criticism. These qualities have long been the cornerstone of an artistic and activist career which is second to none, in or out of "pop" music. - TUBA FRENZY
The band hilariously juxtapose and layer sound bites and help their targets hang themselves. What if the Pepsi execs actually like the album? - SPIN
It's no "Abbey Road", but it's a pretty good listen. - PEPSI SPOKESMEN
excerpt fr
to learn more about negativland, visit
no kissing sign - found in batu ferringhi, one of the food court there... one of the dvd store there... when uncle joe is paying for the DVDs... hmmm... does anybody gonna obey the sign? probably when they're standing in front of it...~
This is a short film inspired by TV soap operas and the gorgeous women who inhabit them. Featuring Asia Argento, Tori Spelling, Lisa Marie, China Chow, Amber Valletta, Liz Goldwyn & Monet Mazur. The film is written & directed by Jeremy Scott and the costumes, by Jeremy Scott. The film also features a few advertisement breaks where the advert again is... Jeremy Scott Couture.~ well... have fun and feel the excitement of dramatic suspense and expressions of soap operas!!!
what she's actually reading - at this moment, your bum is completely exposed. If it were in a sexy pair of jeans, it would attract attention all the time.
mayb there should b a camera around... n d nex thing make them looks like they're on candid amera or sumthin~
Emergency Games: a manual for extreme physical experiences in the danger of your own home, 2005 A booklet in collaboration with Alice Wolff
Eelko Moorer constructs designs that are theatrically conceptual and exquisitely handmade, yet from which the commercial and mass-produced can be derived. Known for subverting conventional expectations and behavioural patterns through a series of darkly suggestive and often zoomorphic objects, Moorer’s designs include a bearskin rug made of rubber 'fur', shoes with integral hooks for commuters to suspend themselves upside down from the handrails of overcrowded commuter carriages, like meat being transported to market, or a suicide bird perch which attaches to the outer railings of a balcony allowing the person to sit and contemplate their next movement. This interaction between performance and product allows Moorer to navigate the hauntingly fine line between comfort and discomfort – between heightened states of exhilaration and anxiety – through design.
it's called the high tide heels... so when high tide comes the water will rise and flood the place... and u can't walk... so u need a pair of high tide hills to flip thru your way?! but before high tide u'll look sexy with heels on the streets?! oh my gosh!!! these shoes are definiteleeee extremeleee ridiculously stupide!!!! and of course hideous!!! who would wear a pair of scuba diving heels? well.. mayb a scuba diving fanatic? hmmm...
yucks~ d dude with the crocs shoes iz soo fat and ugly!!! i think tat's the best way to describe the stupide plastic crocs shoes as well... fat and ugly!!! hah...~ anyway the ad juz makes the shoes even more unappeallin~~~ apparentleee they wanna make the ad like mac vs microsoft. mac the kewl and microsoft the dull... instead they made crocs the wannabe kewl tat iz juz so disgusting!!!
hoolger pooten, a photographer fr uk... his list of clients - adidas, mix mag, nike, orange, pansonice, vogue etc. he did work for mix mag wut more can i say... hmm... he's work does makes me feel still life... but nice... anyway for more of his works, visit -
The Kill Yourself Game, 2005, Mobile Phone Game, J2ME Midp2.0
Elements of an Effective Suicide
If life no longer has sweetness for you and you would like your final breath to be breathed in an air of beauty and purpose, Attractive Corpse can help.
A well-considered suicide is not a sloppy, repellent affair, but a piece of performance art, a tribute to what was and what could have been. The elements of an Attractive Corpse signature suicide include:
- An appropriate location. The right place for a suicide is private, calm, and of meaning to the intended. There should be no significant chance of premature discovery and no need to rush. - A well-thought-out, hand-written suicide note, suitable for publication. - No trace of malice or vengeance. Make your suicide about you, not about those who brought you to this place. Don't leave this world with angry words on your lips. - A method that requires no unnecessary effort or pain, fits the personality of the suicide, and does not endanger others. It should not create a more difficult cleanup than necessary. Those angry suicides who wish to use shotguns or dramatically throw themselves in front of buses should look elsewhere. - Optimal opportunity for a poetic and heart-wrenching discovery. - An attractive corpse. This means appropriate dress for the occasion, no significant disfigurement, and an eye-pleasing final position. Lighting and setting should also be arranged to optimize the tableau. - A complete professional-quality photographic record, after the fact.
Attractive Corpse offers the following services to its client:
- Method consultation - Fashion and makeup (if appropriate) consultation - Location scouting - Location preparation (including music, lighting, etc., if desired) - Suicide note editing and workshopping - Scheduling assistance - Complete dress rehearsal - Post-discovery photography - Referrals are available to financial planners, psychological services, and religious representatives.
We do not offer or give referrals for legal services (including will preparation) and clients are completely responsible for the legal ramifications of their actions. No Attractive Corpse personnel may be present at the time of the suicide. We will not participate in any suicide that is arranged to look like a homicide, and are not interested in aiding insincere, attention-getting attempts. All client contact is confidential until after the suicide is complete. Note that all services must be prepaid. A partial refund is given for incompleted or unsuccessful events.
the answer to the brilliant minilogue's vidoe - hitchiker is Ljudbiden & Piloten. Ljudbiden & Piloten, a swedish 1 man band, illustrator, stop motion animator. to view more of ljudbiden & piloten, visit - where u get the links to his blog, my space and also where you get to spend lots of time around exploring his works in music, illustration as well as graphics. you can even change the wallpaper of the site if you don't like trees change to snow... etc.
Sebastian Mullaert and Marcus Henriksson came from opposing backgrounds. Sebastian was trained as a classical musician playing the organ, piano and the violin among other instruments. He even became involved in teaching them until his coming of age at 18 when he formed a band and began experimenting with the sounds in a more contemporary way. Marcus lived on a diet of Kraftwerk and the Front 242 until realising his true calling in the techno parties of the 90s. Through promoting parties he moved on to become one of the bigger DJs in Southern Sweden. It was in a party where they met and decided to combine Sebastian’s musician’s perspective and knowledge with Marcus´ DJ skills and experience from the scene. They got together in 1996 and after 10 years in the music business under successful guises such as Son Kite and Trimatic, Marcus & Sebastian are now Minilogue - an animalistic music concept without the boundaries of genres. They hail from Malmoe, a small town in the south of Sweden with a population of less than 1/4 million, an unlikely setting for such underground and innovative project. Through the years their music has expanded and moved through a variety of sounds appealing across the board of electronic music.
this is the site where you can find barf bags from all over the world, it is sorted out in different continents so you can view them easily... there's barf bags from 131 countries.... that's a lot~~ it's quiet a weird hobby or collector's item... but its fun... well at least you get to learn about the print designs from all over the world?!` haha anyway for more barf bags, visit -
this new phone by LG is realleee kewl... it works like a camera no longer like a camera-phone and it also works like a computer~~~ you can view divx video's and connect to your tv, you can use manual focus juz lik a slr.... the design... well almost exactly like the prada phone lg did... damn.... you should visit the site too... cause the ads for the phone is kewl... it makes me drool... and then there's this interactive flash that allows you to experience how kewl the phone is... you get to try the manual focus and also the light sensitive iso selctions.... anyway try visit the site, juz click on the LG ad on the left of the page.... the link will send you to the site~
Wim Delvoye has been tattooing pigs since the 1990s. In the early 21st century a tattooed pigs project was set up in the Art Farm in China, where there are fewer strictures regarding animal welfare than in most parts of the Western world. In 2005 his colleague, artist Danny Devos, spent several months at the farm, reorganizing, managing and rebuilding.
Rubbish DrawingsI walked the streets one day and as I looked around my mind started to change and an idea was created. From this day on I would see rubbish differently....You can take a horse to water but can you take to it into an exhibition? Well now you don't have to worry, just let it wander down the road and look at my Rubbish Drawings.I have been to the outside world with my pens and been on an adventure drawing on rubbish. I have many photos and will upload them as the project develops or hopefully you'll see them in the real world?I feel like the urban fox keeping its distance from others, you might see something crouching down by a bush but don't be scared it's only me. I am quite nice really and will not harm you but I may draw on your rubbish if that's ok.I've been through new and interesting experiences like when I was standing in a skip at 6am and someone walked by, oh well what can you do? Well I tried to crouch down but my head still stuck out of the top. I bet they thought I was some kind of freak, haa ah aha aha a haha ha aha ahah aha ha well in some ways I probably am and yes I will do it again. Hah hha ha haha aha ahah a ha.Please enjoy the drawings, sometimes they last a few weeks and others only last a few hours. Let's hear it for the bin men, hip hip hooray, who suddenly become more efficient after I've drawn on something, how strange.It's great because you never know what's around the corner.....keep your eyes open....
found another great idea for a christmas tree... this peekture is found in flickr...
~~~ Christmas Tree made of books. I took this photo at the University library last year and was sure to tell one of the librarians how good an idea this was. As far as I remember the books were old reference books that weren't used much anymore - they are bound to be available onlineKeep in mind that this was just a picture i took at the locval University Library in Aalborg - - thanks for the nice comments and making this a fave. ~~~
for slimmer waist, tummy, hips & thighs, get a wonder sauna hot pants... it is approved by the aau, usa. better get it fast, while stock lasts~ damn.... this peeektures juz makes the sentence before appear in my mind when i look at it.... it's hillarious... and i'm so glad that the slimming pants now are so much slimmer than what it was like then...
Hello, i'm back~ 1st of all i would like to apologize for those who visit my blog frequently... sorry for not updating my blog for several days as i was in bangkok to attend a wedding dinner. feel a bit sick and couldn't get up after the trip... mayb cause of the spices... too spicy... probably... it's like one bite... and you're in hell... (cause spicy) but then you'll go right up to heaven (cause the food tastes sooooo good). anyway... took some peektures and if you would like to view them juz go to my flickr... you can click on the flickr link on the left side of the page. it was a short trip but... shopping in bangkok is definiteleee fun cause everythin is juz so darn cheap~~~
Nagi Noda, a Japanese music video director, tv commercial director, designer and art director. a pop artist, designer basically her works are extremely surreal, which means it's realleee fun~ check out her site for more wacky and bizzare works... such as the horror cafe~~~ and more vids for viewing as well~~~
Turf , a parisian artist, started off as a street artist moves on to comics and canvas and now he paints on found objects and somtimes on buildings... very surreal works~~~