it happened earleee in the morning... a rainy morning... raining since the night before....~~~
woke up and gosh... woke up late again... since it was raining... and its so phreaking cold... can't help it but to stay longer in bed... anyway... got up and i jumped straight into the bathroom to take my shower... ah.... it was so nice... so warm... and so i wasted another 15mintues in the shower as the water was to warm to let it go...~~~
well... i can't waste anymore time.. and so quickly i grab my towel, wipe myself up and walk back into my room and then.... ooooooooouuuuuccccccchhhhhhhh!!!!!!! damn it!!! damn it!!! it's freakin painful!!!! i took my foot up and was so shocked to seee my cherry earrings pierced into my fooot?!~ oh no... i haven't even got my clothes i can't juz run out of the room to get help~~~
so... i gotta pull the freakin earring out of my foot... i din even know tat i was bleeding till i look at the floor... and damn... it's dripping...~~~ my blood was everywhere~~~
qucikly.. i put on my clothes... and rush out the room to get some aid... looking at the time.. i'm definitely gonna b late... well.. i gotta run... wif one of my foot in pain... and still... i gotta drive a 30 minute journey... gosh it's definiteleee one hell of a way to start a day~~~
well... this incident.. wasn't so bad... i remember once where this whole bar of staple pins.. the one bar of metal pins u put into the staples? well... i actualleee got the whole bar in my foot... and wif all tat bleeding.. i still gotta.... walk like about 300-500 metres... to my piano teacher's house for my piano lesson... wut to do.. there was nobody at home~
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