been staying in KL for quiet some time i felt a bit foreign when i 1st came back to penang... it's kindda like.. i found out i onleee knew the rods around my old nighbourhood and my new neighbourhood and the town area where my parents shop are located.. the rest of the island? i have no idea to get from one place to another... and suddenleee my fon ringed.. onlee to find out tat one of my seniors from my previous college is in penang! and so i gotta plan the trip somehow... i only know tourists spots... seems like i'm quiet a tourist myself as i've been on the island tour for about 3 times since kindergarten.... anyway.. so she came and luckileee it pulled off quiet well... i took them to this temple called the kuan yin temple... the place is famous cause it's old and the space in front of the temple is always filled wif plenty and plenty and plenty of peigeons... but to my surprise... there weren't more than 20 pigeons when i was there... in fact the number of the beggars might be more than the pigeons... so.. my frens... they bought their set of praying materials and start doing their praying and for me... i stood at the entrance of the temple while waiting for them... suddenleee the beggars start bumping into me... i was furious... but i was afraid tat i'm gonna get attacked by them and so.. i moved aside... only to find out that there's a guy giving out RM1 note to the beggars so the beggars were trying to get to the man... i guess the man is doin so because of karma... if i'd not mistaken... i couldn't bear standing there anymore and so i moved away from the entrance to a tree outside the temple... again... somebodeee is giving out money! this time a lady! she got a bag in her hands... seems like she's giving out coins! surprisingly the beggars lined up not like before!~ hmmm...

anyway... we went to khoo kongsi... i haven't been there for ages but i could remember tat it's quiet an awesome place.. so we got there... we found a parking spot and walk towards khoo kongsi... we gotta pass back a small alley which i think they'd alreadee demolish the bottom part of the shophouse to form the alley to khoo kongsi... but the place is juz so quiet and calm.. when we got there... we were asked to pay for the entrance! tat's weird cause i never remember paying entrance fee when i was there... well they gotta do so as they have to mantain this historical site... the entrance fee is RM5 not costly... but we were able to get a discount... we only pay RM1 as we are still students!~ ehehehhe... so we went in the place... and whoa... the place is so much well mantained then before... so i'd say good job on the RM5 entrance fee... the carvings in the place is marvellous! remarkable! and the basment part has been turned into the museum of the khoo kongsi.. in the museum... we get to find out how the khoo familee landed in penang and formed the khoo kongsi.. whoa.. i was so proud when i read about the history and looking at the place as my mother, my grandpa are KHOOs... though my sur name's not khoo but part of me is! besides the museum is also filled with objects that were used in the olden days by the family... and they're actualleee donated items... bravo to those that are willing to bring out their collection and donate it to the museum so other people can hav a glimpse of them.

later on, we moved on to some other temples as we met up wif another fren of my fren. he's a realleee good praying guy... he knows all the temple... we went to chinese temple, siamese temple and burmese temple. another thing, definiteleee he's a good eater as he's always looking for food... but tat's wut penang is famous for!~ so we end the trip simply wif penang food...

so, i'll be saying goodbye to you with the male and female door guardian from the myanmar buddhist temple...!~
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